Look at my fav baby bois all together <333
Look at my fav baby bois all together <333
29 Votes in Poll
Each family will get up to 3 images, first will be þe members' common, rare, epic, and young forms (if þey have þem) and þe second image will add in þe prismatics, and þe þird will add in þe monster choir variants because þey're seperate variants even þough some of þem look more like costumes
Rare flum ox
On bone island, i guess i now have the three bone fire expansion monsters
Mirror light island
By the power of saving diamonds, i got mirror light island!
Flowah on space
4th monster on space island
& got bonkers on nexus!
Bulbo's next!
I love how Flowah/DoF sounds, it really encapsulates that somber melody. But Shrubb by far has the best design of the 2, the blue hues really contrast with its common variant's yellow.
It’s Barbover, Barbb Island was just announced by Big Blue Barbb!1!1!1!
No. I'm Not Adding It On The Monsters On The Picture. That's Too Hard.
Real no way its like a leak
It's a joke :trolo:
Anyways here’s me teleporting a flowah to space island from a couple days ago
12 Votes in Poll
If you guys aren't aware, Flowah has canonically been sponsored by Rar-Man on City Island Update 3! But don't worry, this island takes place in the future, meaning Flowah will most likely be back.