First off, we have haven wubbox and I’ll tell you, it’s like the best haven installment. The sound is very funky!! And it makes like it be longer in the song aswell. He’s the best epic wubbox out there. 10/10
Now moving on to oasis, yeah not so much of a fan, I get the creativity in its design but it looks very fanmande. If BBB were to release this during something around next year I feel like they could’ve made it better. And the sound too, it overcrowded the song. Even lowering the volume it’s still loud, but the sound, it’s alright.
Now we move on to Rare Wubbox on Oasis, yeah no, idk what BBB had on their mind when making this. And i know rare wubbox is hard to make but like it just feels scattered around! The only thing that’s great about it is its animation which a lot of people commenting about it mainly talk about. 5/10
Now we move on too Epic Buzzinga, I think the design is very creative, remember when people thought this was the bone island titan soul, which is wasn’t that was a stupid idea people it’s obviously gonna be psychic island next. Anyways it’s animation are pretty entertaining and I like it, plus is Buzzinga like the best mythical. 9/10
And last but not least, Rare Knurv, and what the hell is this. I heard something say it supposed to represent coral which I can totally see and the bio mentions its scary state. So I can criticize it that much. But it’s ok I guess, I was hoping for rare Knurv to come next year. But yeah 7/10
Overall ranking of this years feast ember, 9,5/10
This year takes the cake, like one of the best updates msm every had, let’s see how creative festival of yay can get.