I've gone through so many ideas for this timeline, and unsurprisingly, the one I like the most is the one that's the craziest in terms of logic. I don't give a crap about Wublin Island as much as Workshop, so I'm not gonna bother doing as much for it.
I don't think the gap between Commons Wublins and Rares Wublins will be as long as Rares to Epics, and Epic Monculus is the main reason why. Epic Monculus didn't get released on Wublin Island most likely because the Rare Wublins were incomplete. Otherwise, Epic Monculus would've been the first Epic on Wublin, but for whatever reason, my mind is telling me that it will be anyway.
My first idea was to simply come up with an order for the actual Wublins, but put Epic Monculus at the start no matter what, but that's boring. I wanted to find an actual pattern that would result is Epic Monculus coming first, and so I did. To understand the numbers in the 2nd image, let's take an example, Epic Bona-Petite. The amount of eggs the common needs is 68, and the amount of eggs the Rare needs is 29, which is a difference of 57.4%. So the order for the Epic Wublins is from lowest difference presentage to highest. Monculus and Zynth are the only WI monsters who's commons only require 1 of each egg, therefore, their difference percentages are 0%. Now, there are 5 monster who share a difference percentage of 50%. I ranked them by how many unique eggs they needed. Brump needs 2, Screemu needs 4, Blipsqueak & Gheegur both need 5 but Gheegur needs more total eggs, and Zuuker needs 7.
The gaps I've chosen are also related to the percentages. Whatever the front digit of the percentage is how many weeks until said monsters comes following the previous. That's why Epic Zynth and Epic Monculus come out at the same time, because their gaps are 0's. So basically, Epic Zynth, Epic Monculus, and Epic Thwok all release during Life-Formula, but Epic Thwok come the week after along with Rare Piplash & Rare Vhenshun as I've predicted (There are also a few other Epic Wublin releases at the same time as my projected Workshop variants). I was expecting this timeline to be much more drastic, but it ended up being just as almost monthly as the previous rarities.
Now of course, the Wublin Island Epic Wubbox needed to come eventually. I thought it would take much longer to come up with a date for it, but as soon as I checked the 2027 calendar, I realized that March 24th falls on a Wednesday that year, and March 24th was the original release date of Wublin Island. It's perfect. Completing Wublin island exactly 11 years after its release.
Could you imagine if my Workshop Timeline is wrong, but THIS is correct? I doubt it. Speaking of that. We are getting so close to Jann 22nd, and we've got an MSM Live tomorrow with seemingly no teasers for anything going on tomorrow. Personally, I think the most we may get out of this Live are teasers for what's to come in Crescendo Moon. Now here's where the announcement comes in. I will be recording my reaction to the livestream (audio only) just in case we get a juicy Rare Meebkin teaser of some sort. If we do, I'll upload the clip from my reaction to my Instagram & TikTok. if we don't I'm not gonna let a hour long recording session go to waste, so not matter the outcome, I will be uploading my full reaction with added visual to my YT channel. I know I said that I wouldn't be making any MSM related videos until my big Workshop video is done, but I made that statement in May, and I underestimated my procrastination and need to write as much about my favorite song of all time as possible. Writing in general is my favorite pass time, but writing about MSM in particular is up there too (If you couldn't already tell). I call my YT channel my journal for a reason.
Y'know, I successfully bred Hairionette an hour ago (Techically yesterday, but it finished breeding and reveal itself to not be Gloptic), and it made me realize that the only 2 monsters who's names end with "-ette" are both found of Psychic Island.