biggest w
14 Votes in Poll
My breeding building can´t stand having only bogward and trox. I only need punkleton parlsona and wubbox to finnish but idk for punkleton and parlsona healp me decide what to do (before tommorow and an half)
Don´t mind the language it´s french
26 Votes in Poll
Just gonna say, I don't think this is how they would work, and I don't even want them to exist. I just had this idea and wanted to post it ig idk
So, hear me out: limited-time Islands. They're only available to buy during their event, OoS, and inside a sale at the end of AM. However, once you buy one, you have it forever. Its always available to you. It, of course, has the main Seasonal (which is always available on it, if you have the island), along with some new Monsters, each based on the event.
The way you get them I'm still not completely sure, but the main idea i have is that each island has a structure (same one on each island, but with an altered design). On the islands, not only do monsters generate coins (or shards for Monculus), but also a new currency for each, unique to that island. Think stuff like candy corn in DoF. You can then take a few of these and go to the structure, and there'll be silhouettes of each of the monsters, including the main Seasonal (you get one for free when buying the island), and each has a different amount of the currency they need. You pay that amount, and you either succeed and get the Monster, or fail and get some of the currency back. You can upgrade it and it'll let you use a common and some extra currency to make a Rare, and upgrade it again to turn a Rare into an Epic.
Yes I know it's just like Synthesis but it's all I could think of
I am unsure if this is a bug or just a weird choice on the handler’s part.
As some of you know, there was a discord art contest to make emojis, stickers, and banners for the discord over the course of Anniversary month.
They said there would be ingame rewards, but I don’t remember what. Anyway, I was one of the winners (my emoji attached below), and this is my reward? It’s just an arrow. Claiming it gives you nothing, and reloading the game causes the mail to reappear
Is anybody else experiencing this?
I think the symbols won’t have anything to do with how you awaken it.
After all, the monster itself puts the symbols over the monsters *after* it awakens.
I think the Titansoul won’t produce currency itself, but rather having it awoken will allow you “super-boost” the currency production of several monsters of your choice
I think this bc
1. In the snippet of gameplay we see, the symbol is hovering over only valuable monsters, like Rare & epic whiz-bang, rare boskus, and I think Drummidary, but not normal monsters, like Fiddlement and puckbill
2. Again, the titan soul is awake, and these symbols still linger.
3. MSM’s recent content updates like to make farming not ideal/profitable, so this would work to do this.
the Titan souls are awakened via having the comeplete song on the island, no matter the variant (we see a common, a rare, an epic, a seasonal, and a fire expansion monster get marked)
My only fears?
Please please mirror magicals don’t cost diamonds
Let all of the Titansouls have comepletely unique designs, and don’t be recolors or something, pleas please I beg 🙏
This is the equivalent to 230M COINS. I can't believe this.
I just did some calculations
Based on the comparison between how much tweedle makes vs how much riff makes
Doing the exact same comparison with Oogiddy and humbug
Oogiddy on a natural island would make 350MILLION coins at max.
There is a lot of missing info on the monsters income, and I just want those to get added so I can use the info for a project I'm currently working on
Monsters Needed:
Rare Monculus (Shards only)
Epic Jellbilly
Epic Kazilleon
All rare fire quints (Relics only)
All epic fire monsters (Relics only)
Epic Monculus (Coins only)
If anyone has any information needed and the experience in wiki editing, I would be grateful if these things would be updated. There may be more monsters that I missed, but these ones are the ones I currently need.
Pieces of info for Epic Monculus, since I do have that one:
Level 15 | Happiness 100 | 288 coins/min | 36104 coins max
Level 16 | Happiness 100 | 302 coins/min | 37909 coins max
Level 17 | Happiness 100 | 314 coins/min | 39410 coins max
Level 18 | Happiness 100 | 324 coins/min | 40537 coins max
Level 19 | Happiness 100 | 330 coins/min | 41364 coins max
Level 20 | Happiness 100 | 334 coins/min | 41819 coins max
I actually hate diamonds. For some reason, it waste it on nothing. Seriously though, coins could’ve been a better choice for a premium currency rather than diamonds. But I’m planning to fix that, because I’m buying a mine
I don't even have 150M coins as of yet. But I do have 100 keys, and 75 relics.
25 Votes in Poll