This one takes the Jam Boree for being my most ridiculous pattern idea yet, but the fact that it even works to begin with is what makes me wanna give it a shot. At a first glace, this might seems like the anarchy I was planning for the Epics has infected the Rares, but there is actually purpose for this.
First is the start date, March 19th. There's actually two reasons why I like this date, but I'll get to the 2nd one later. The first one is based on a speculation I have. If you recall, I mentioned that regardless of what's to come in this upcoming update, I think now's the perfect time for Zarroë's Coloss-Eye. "I don't think its too far-fetched to say that Zarroë has been at least partially awake for a while now." is what I said. A lot of people are pointing out that the date the countdown is counting down to is February 15th, which is a Saturday. Some people simply think that's the day we get the trailer, and the actual update will come out on the following Wednesday. But what if something DOES come on that day? What if at the very least, Zarroë's Coloss-Eye releases on that day. If it goes by the same 32 pieces pattern as the rest of the Coloss-Eyes, and the first piece in unlocked on Feb. 15, then it will end on March 18th, which is a Tuesday. So the next generation of Rarethereals begin the day after their creator becomes fully awake. I believe Epic Fung Pray will release either this upcoming Wednesday, the same day as Ethereal Union, the same day as the Coloss-Eye, or the week before Rare Meebkin. I've seen a few people suggest that Rarethereal Workshop and Ethereal Union release on the same day. But the problem with that is that's two new mechanics on different islands in one day. Unless Rares on Workshop are merely obtained via luck, but I'm not a big fan of that idea.
Now for the 2nd reason. The fact that its on the 19th of a month. What does that have to do with Rare Meebkin? Well...
Yep. My Price Predictions. "Triple Rares go up by 300, Triple Epics go up by 3000." So the month number the Triple element Rare releases in is matched with its price. Workshop is a special case where every monster has a unique Diamond cost, so its kinda the only island that could do something like this. I came up with this idea, and I was expecting it to take way longer to get months with Wednesdays that fall into 18-27, but it actually ended up ending at October. Fittingly, it ended with Auglur, the most unstable triple of Wave 1, which came out on October 11th, which one of two repdigits dates in every month, with the other one being of course, the 22nd. Theoretically, because February has the same Wednesday layout as March, if Ethereal Union DID release on that Saturday, then Rare Meebkin and Rare X'rt could release in that month, and March would be skipped just like July (Or Rare Meebkin in February and Rare X'rt in March), but February is already gonna be swimming in Ethereal content, I think Rarethereal Workshop should begin once the Ethereal hype has cooled down a bit.
Now I specified that only the triples follow this pattern, because the Bosses go into numbers not found on the calendar. So where did I put them? Remember how my old timelines had Oogiddy and Vhenshun release is there respective Celestial months? Well, I thought, what if all the quads did that. That decision is what lead to me finally dropping Rare BeMeebEth releasing in Anniversary Month. That being a consistency just caused problems. I think just "Meebkin at the start, BeMeebEth at the end." is a better, more flexible pattern. The actual days they release on in that month are based on what order they released in. Whaill was the 1st Quad, Vhenshun was the 2nd Quad, Pentumbra was the 3rd Quad, Rhysmuth was the 4th Quad, and Oogiddy was the 5th Quad, BUT August only has four Wednesdays. The boring fix would be to just put it in a different day, but I have an idea that's a bit more creative. So its commonly theorized, despite Matt saying that they would come in 2024, that Elder Celestials would start in August 2025 instead. The thing about those monster is that they don't have new sounds, and the design is something we've already seen, but in a different art style, and people may feel like their difficulty is not worth it because of that. So what if each Elder celestial comes with a little gift related to its element? It could be a new monster, a variant, a decoration, a costume, or simply a sale. In the case of Elder Scaratar, its Rare Oogiddy. There's also the less fun option of just putting Rare Oogiddy on August 5th. It wouldn't be the first time a Workshop monster would come out on a Tuesday. Speaking of that day, its also the only Workshop Wave to not release during a seasonal event. In my many attempts to figure out the release dates, I've been pushing the narrative that they HAVE to release during a seasonal event, but I got over that. Yooreek, Oogiddy and Blarret are basically guaranteed to release outside of the seasonal bubbles. The rest are either the opposite, or fall into a gray area.
Finally BeMeebEth. The very last day of 2025 fall on a Wednesday, so I put Rare BeMeebEth there because it just felt right. This timeline will be subject to change, because there are a few bits that could go in multiple directions, but I'll worry about that when the time comes. This is the one I feel the most confident in.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? I'm sure you have a lot of concerns, I do too. Sometime even I don't understand my brain. If you don't know about the reasonings, this looks completely random and inconsistence. But hey, its Ethereal Workshop. This is an logically unstable timeline for an unstable cast. I may not be the best at making correct predictions, but at least I have determination.
Dang, I'm hungry. I want pizza.