Technically, the reticulated path is the most expensive path in msm because its 600 shards each (1 shard is equal to 10,000 coins in tribal island and exchange terms)
Meaning that one reticulated path is worth 6 million coins
I will do the "small amounts of Treats in many bakeries" instead of the "Large amounts of Treats in a few/one bakery.", And once I get to 110,000,000+ Coins, I Bake a Big Salad, Or a few of them if I get >130,000,000 Coins.
(Yes, I am tagging myself, and I do, Infact, Consent to myself pinging me.)
Why do 500,000 coins equal 50 shards?
Why am I asking this? Well, I recently found out about the Fuzer (yeah i've never used it :[ ) and, well...
If 1,000 coins equal a Glowbe...
And a shard ALSO equals a Glowbe...
Then why doesn't 500,000 coins equal 500 shards?
Am I doing/asking this JUST to make it easier to get shards? Yeah, yeah maybe, BUT LIKE THINGS TO BE PERFECT AND CLEAN.
That right there is averice (almost).
I just did some calculations
Based on the comparison between how much tweedle makes vs how much riff makes
Doing the exact same comparison with Oogiddy and humbug
Oogiddy on a natural island would make 350MILLION coins at max.
I actually hate diamonds. For some reason, it waste it on nothing. Seriously though, coins could’ve been a better choice for a premium currency rather than diamonds. But I’m planning to fix that, because I’m buying a mine
Probably due to the mirror plant island lol
So yeah its clear im saving up for the wubbox.
32 Votes in Poll
Maybe they fixed it a bit too much, though this one might be a glitch:
so I just opened the game and ONE BILLION COINS??? HOLY MOLY IM RICH ONE BILLION
I dont have that many diamonds but still
21 Votes in Poll
Converting more then the wubbox budget as in 75m coins into shards you can get 10k+ shards?
In the entire game?
Humbug’s training level 20: 250,000,000
Shroog’s training level 20: 168,750,000
Common wubbox: 75,000,000
Tub fountain for: 50,000,000
Cooking a big salad: 10,000,000
How many coins/diamonds y’all got?
I’m rich