I finally got Elder Furnoss recently! It took a lot just to get the 5 Reebros in from Air Island and the Epic Tring and Snyeser in there. Now to wait for Glashiur..
I finally got Elder Furnoss recently! It took a lot just to get the 5 Reebros in from Air Island and the Epic Tring and Snyeser in there. Now to wait for Glashiur..
I am NOT going to zap 75 Noggin eggs for one Monster. Never. The Celestials are cool and all, but I do not care for them enough to make the "experience" of zapping 50 Toe Jammer eggs worth it or even bearable
The song is fine. I'm kinda surprised they made an island with only 12 Monsters work twice, but Celestial island is nowhere near Starhenge. I get it, they're babies, they make baby versions of their sounds, I was fine with this. I was fine with what they did to Scaratar, Vhamp and Galvana's sounds. Good lord do I not like Young Galvana's sound. But now that we have Adults, they play... the same sounds. The argument doesn't work anymore, Adult Vhamp is still nowhere near the angelic majesty of the DoF Vhamp. Cool designs tho, I love Adult Furnoss
It's just a worse Wublin island in terms of gameplay. I guess the Adults make keys now, but so does the Nexus Nucleus and the devs are bound to give even more key sources in the future. The most effective reason to complete Celestial is if your Wublin island is already full, but guess what, the statues cost DIAMONDS this time!
I don't dislike it. It just sits in the muddy hole of missed potential with Party and Mirror Air, but those two I actually feel bad for!
16 Votes in Poll
I'm doing this once and I won't do this again.
Some things really need improvements. Let's not let MSM and DOF end up like Ice Age Village where no updates happened since.
18 Votes in Poll
When are we gonna get the elder celestials?
Next year? Later this year? Did we already get them (DoF)? Will we never get them?
Well. @TipOffical was supposed to show these on this date but he lost wifi so uh.. here’s his monsters instead
Yes. All 13 Zodiacal Monsters, the Sanctum equivalent to the Celestials has arrived on Magical Sanctum!
They are very excited to be revealed after being unable to be revealed way back in January of 2024!
Heres the monsters names!
The Zodiacal Monsters will arrive
Just giving a heads up, they are not based on Normal Zodiac signs, but are based by Chinese Zodiac Signs, so you won’t see Monsters relate to the animals of the normal Zodiac sign
They are also kind of the Magical equivalent to Celestials
1/22/2025 (Start of Crescendo Moon)
Toe Jammer was so hard to get, but Atleast I got him now!
Galvana is my Birth Celestial, so obviously I had to make art of her too
Recently ive been working in these 3 pages in the MSM ideas wiki about two of my fanmade classes, notiks & magnePolars! Also considering the magnePolar celestials!
If you wanna check the magnePolars page, click here:
If you wanna check the notiks page, click here:
If you wanna check the magnePolar celestials page, click here:
Thanks for checking them out!
Why can we get more than one of each celestial in the games when only one of each exists in the lore
50 Votes in Poll
So when I was þinking about ideas for þe Seasonal Celestials in IÞHD, my brain immediately went to þe story about þe birth of Jesus for Yay, and I þought it would be a good idea for þe Festival Of Yay one to be an angel
But þen I realized, Anglow comes from þe Great Beyond, and Angels supposedly come for heaven, which is commonly interpreted as outer space
Also in DOF þe Celestials come down from some height, which could easily be in þe beyond, and þeir island is literally called "Starhenge"
And þere's also Hark The Herald Anglows Sing from þe new album, which is based on Hark The Herald Angels Sing
So... þat's why I þink Anglow is þe Festival Of Yay Celestial
(Click to view the whole comic because I don’t want to waste my time cropping the comics if your on mobile)
Pinglist (cause why not)
Baby skoresus
When the celestial became a adult they realise that the titans are being formed and that some celestial should look after it but no one wanted to do it but Furnoss came up with an idea of making less celestial called Demis that can look after the magical islands with skoresus being the first it weighs upon its goal that keeps the balance of psychic island
Month: August
Cost: 175 gems 80 gems on August for the discount
Monsters required to make it sing: 20 noggins, 14 thereminds, 10 flowah, 5 riffs, 5 Roobas, 3 thrumbles, 2 gloptics and 1 rhysmuth
Instrument: keyboard
Adult skoresus
As more snakes wrapped around it, the ball gets stronger and more possessive of them using them for simple tools like grabbing things possessing all of psychic is with his psychic energy gives them psychic abilities like thereminds extra mouths it is able to conjure small portals into other places with psychic energy can be made
Monsters, you need to get things working: 10 rare noggins, 8 rare thereminds, 8 epic flowahs, 7 rare riffs, 6 epic nebulobs, 4 boo’qwurms, 2 shLeps and 2 epic wynqs
Elda skoresus
The ball has taken full control of the snakes and now uses to cross the monster verse we can still fly one taking psychic control over psychic is creating monsters like gloptic it watches psychic Island with an iron fist tough as steel
How to get the monster: a star my singing monsters compose app and you need to complete it to get the elder version then you have the option to transfer it to the main game if you have it but it will be a baby locked in stone or you can just teleport it down of fire below the stronghold a new map in Dawn Of Fire to get the elder version or you can just buy the baby version at the stronghold store
So let’s start slow… With a quad!
I feel like after Elder Scaratar didnt release in August, everyone just stopped talking about the concept of Elder Celestials in the main game.
Its obvious that theyre coming, theyre literally already in the book of monsters.
So I'd like propose an unpopular theory:
The Elder celestials will come to the main game in January, and theyll go in monthly order, possibly skipping galvana and having her either release December 2025 or July 2026.
What do you think about this theory?
Uhhh so I think the monster handlers said something about Elder Celestials coming out on August 2024 after all of the Adults were released. But now it's December 2024 as of typing this, and still no Elder Celestials. Where tf are they??
I might be blind (not literally tho), but I didn't see any news about the Elder Celestials later on.
Okay, maybe it got scrapped or delayed for another time or two???