Whiz-bang is one of my favourite seasonals alongside Carrilong. I already made artwork for Carrilong so I decided to make one for Whiz-bang too!
Whiz-bang is one of my favourite seasonals alongside Carrilong. I already made artwork for Carrilong so I decided to make one for Whiz-bang too!
Yeah!!! I'm back!!! So enjoy!!! Happy late lunar new year!!!!!!
what's funny is that I bred Carrillong right before the event ended and tbh I didn't even think it was him since the breeding time was so low
also I think my magical sanctum luck has just had a MASSIVE spike recently because I was able to get every rare magical (except the singles) in such a LOW time but because there isn't gonna be any sanctum rares anytime soon my luck might TAPER and FADE away
Look at how cute mah boi is :3
Of course, carillong is cute anywhere, but I just found him extraordinarily adorable in the loading screen. Carillong is a good boi <3
22 Votes in Poll
January 22nd may include...
Rare Frondley
Decorations based on the event
Costumes for Roarick, G'day, Enchantling, and Epic Potbelly
Rare Periscorp (revealed)
January 29th may include...
Rare Periscorp (released)
What do you think?
Þey said "Þe Carillong Family" implying þat Carillong has relatives besides its variants
Þe relatives in question are probably Potbelly and Dragong
Well. @TipOffical was supposed to show these on this date but he lost wifi so uh.. here’s his monsters instead
Yes. All 13 Zodiacal Monsters, the Sanctum equivalent to the Celestials has arrived on Magical Sanctum!
They are very excited to be revealed after being unable to be revealed way back in January of 2024!
Heres the monsters names!
The Zodiacal Monsters will arrive
Just giving a heads up, they are not based on Normal Zodiac signs, but are based by Chinese Zodiac Signs, so you won’t see Monsters relate to the animals of the normal Zodiac sign
They are also kind of the Magical equivalent to Celestials
1/22/2025 (Start of Crescendo Moon)
The mysterious presumed “”Zodiacal Monsters””, has found Carillongs Message. I wonder what the message is about?
1/22/2025 (Almost in Season)
Note: the text is not in Monstrous, so try to figure it out on your own >:)
1/22/2025 (Almost in Season)
Solved Text:
From: Carrilong
To: Zodiacal Monsters
The time of a new year draws near... Crescendo Moon is coming!
Yes in back after not posting for sometime (I didn't have a specific reason as to why,) but I was originally gonna post this at the beginning of next year, but I ended up finishing it earlier than expected to I'm posting it now.
Also ping list requests are open
This will probably be the last art piece of an Offical Monster you will see this year from me
Yay they are back!
Carillong, Rare Carillong and Epic Carillong will be made available on Sanctum and Shanty.
A Rare Magical will be made available on Sanctum (maybe Rare Cahoot)
An Epic Fire Monster will release (Probably Epic Yelmut)
Some teasers on Workshop: The hand ressembling to Monculus is probably a teaser for umm, either Monculus on Workshop or Ethereal Island Colossal Conundra.
A new possible Paironormal monster will release.
A possible TitanSoul, will release.
A variety of Costumes and Decorations will be made available.