rare neb 🥳
rare neb again 🥲
probably another rare reebro to add to my collection of already 2 rare reebros 😭
Based on what we've learned from this years Spooktacle & Feast-Ember, its safe to assume that Epic Mythicals, Young Mythicals & Rare Dreamythicals are all coming during their respective seasonal events. So Its likely we will be seeing Rare Wheezel sometime in SummerSong 2025. After 2025 That leaves just the Epic Dreamythicals, in which we don't know when they'll be coming out.
Then I remember 2026 is a special year, because that year April Fools Day will fall on a Wednesday for the first time since 2020. Based on what I assume will be already released by then, I think the perfect monster for April Fools has to be Epic Wheezel (I'll talk about Rare/Epic Mimic later).
Epic X'rt came from my timeline theory. The pattern I came up with lead Epic X'rt to releasing on this day, which I thought was so funny, and now I think its even better. This is a stretch, but pointing out stretches will eventually lead to predicting intentions. The first time in the games history that April Fools fell on a Wednesday was in 2015, where we got 0 new monsters. The second time was in 2020, where we got 1 new monster (Parlsona on Water Island). So on the third time in 2026, we will get 2 new monsters (Epic X'rt & Epic Wheezel on there respective islands).
Finally, lets talk about the Mimic variants, the other good candidates for an April Fools release. There are 2 ways I think it can go, and neither of them are in April. First is going by Fire Expansion rules and having the Mimic variants release in May and November respectively. Second is having Epic Mimic release in Perplexplore (2025 or 2026), and Rare Mimic releasing in Early January 2025. Why? Some may know that the feathers on Mimic concept art were reused for Rare Clamble, and Rare Clamble was initially released on January 2nd, 2015, so Rare Mimic will release almost exactly 10 years after Rare Clamble.
I was expect this to be a short post, but I always underestimate how much I have to say about an MSM related topic.
I don't think this is written anywhere on the wiki and thought it would be fun to include on the Availability page under Notes
Picture by @LittleAwesomeApple
1. Fire Expansion lines up with the Quintessence order
2. Whenever Sneyser and Tring are available, Mimic takes their place in Fire Expansion
3. All monsters in May are available on Fire Oasis (including Mimic) because of Perplexplore
4. ALMOST all monsters in June are available on Light island because of Skypainting. This is the only time this Seasonal pattern is broken, but as Sky Painting lasts from the end of June to the start of July, you could argue Boskus in July counts
5. All monsters in August are available on Psychic island because of MindBoggle
6. All monsters in October are available on Bone island because of Beat Hereafter (it's close enough to count)
7. All monsters in November are available on Fire Haven because of Feast-Ember
8. All monsters in March are available on Faerie island because of Cloverspell
9. All monsters in April are plant-like monsters because of Echoes of Eco
You may also want to get some Rare Mythicals as well.
Every time you fail to breed a special monster (rare, epic, ethereal, mythic, shugabush, seasonal, etc) the chance of getting that special monster increases by 1% (up to 100%, or 99% if you consider it too OP). If you manage to get the special monster, the chance of getting it returns to its original value
My Singing Monsters would be 100% breeding, and the monsters that breed would be deleted. That would be too much breeding, but there is one problem. When breeding Mythicals, for instance Hyehehe (PomPom+Thumpies,) it could result in 3 combos, Hyehehe, Rare PomPom, and Rare Thumpies. Ideally, there could be a 33% chance as of that, (different for others if they have specified combos.) Also, there would be instant breeding time.
So yesterday i got 2 strombonins
Today i got a ffidyll (Did I spell that right?), a rare pango, a rare deedge, and this made me happy
Oh and i powered up a wublin that isn't a zynth
Hmm wonder what i have to do
EDIT: i shut it and opened it and the goal vanished
EDIT 2: i got 2 strombonins in a row after seeing this
24 Votes in Poll
50 Votes in Poll
Since there's the new torch highlighting feature now, it's probably a good time to update my friend list! I'm also trying to get the remaining rares and epics on my islands so lighting would be greatly appreciated and I try to light back everyday. Put your codes in the comments or add me with mine! 28155670CC