Give me 5 of your guys favorite monsters (Rares and Epics included)
I need 25 of you guys (no double requests just one each person)
(if someone takes you’re favorite monster I’ll just make it into the rare/epic
Cmon you guys I believe in you
Give me 5 of your guys favorite monsters (Rares and Epics included)
I need 25 of you guys (no double requests just one each person)
(if someone takes you’re favorite monster I’ll just make it into the rare/epic
Cmon you guys I believe in you
When I say issue, I don't mean a technical issue like a bug, Its more so a logistical issue that's been on my mind for a bit. Yesterday I was working on my Epic Wublin release pattern theory I teased in my FOY theory post, but I had to hit pause on it because there was one thing I couldn't stop thinking about that would mess up the timeline.
So in Update 4.4, the Book Of Monsters got an update to add the rarity subdivisions added to Gold and Amber Island last Anniversary Month to almost every island. The ones that have variants but didin't get subdivisions were Mythical Island and Magical Sanctum. My theory for why is they don't have enough of each variant. Mythical only had 2 Epics at the time, and currently only has 4 Epics, and Sanctum only has Epic Carrilong. I believe they're waiting until there are 5 of each. We've never had an island with any less than 5 monsters, and we've never seen a BoM page with any less then 5 monsters. So I expect Mythical to get subdivisions when Epic Anglow comes out in Eggs-Travaganza 2025.
So what's the problem? Well, there are 3 islands that have subdivisions, but don't have Epics yet, Wublin Island, Celestial Island (Elders), and Magical Nexus. This could be approached 1 of 3 ways.
They temporarily switch back to the full page for those islands.
They don't follow the rule for those islands.
Those islands get their first 5 Epics all at once, and this is just silent confirmation of that.
I wanna know other people's thoughts, but here's mine.
I only way I can see #1 happening is if they add a setting to where you can toggle on and off the subdivisions, and you can have different preferences for different islands, but some subdivided island are unavailable temporarily. Although that's pretty complicated.
#2 was my first assumption, and it feels like the easiest choice.
#3 is the one I have the most issues with. 5 new Epics in one day is something we've never seen before. Nexus is the least concerning one, and if 4 of those Epic Magicals are the singles, then we'll have enough Epic to get subdivisions on Sanctum. 5 Epic Wublins at once is something I see predicted a lot because of us getting 5 Rare Wublins at once, but because of how Wublins work, i feel like that would be way too much work to throw at us at the same time. Same (if not worse) issue with Elder Celestials. I know we originally got 5 Celestials when the island first came out, but the release order back then was very strange, and didin't line up correctly for most of them, and I'm hoping that doesn't happen again.
Look, I like #2 the most, but 1 and 3 have a tinge to possibility, and I'm not sure how to feel about it. What do you think? I'm gonnaq keep working on my Epic Wublin theory, I just wanted to get this out here before then.
Also, I acquired Rare Poppette last night.
This new island has a very special treat for you.
Have an icon for it in the map menu
Have a more navigable menu for switching between island collections
Have pages that explain various elements and classes and such once you unlock certain things
34 Votes in Poll
I need a transparent image of it without the text or the background
Today, I looked at the Ethereal Workshop Book Of Monsters page, just becuase I enjoy looking at them, and I notice that there was something off.
Meebkin was shifted to where its finger is closer to Nitebear's eye, and Whaill's stomach mouth is less visible.
I wasn't sure if this was a change made today, so I did some digging. I found a video with the old page uploaded on October 9th, and a video with the new page uploaded on October 10th.
So its safe to say this change was made on Thursday, October 10th.
So why am I bringing this up? Why am I calling attention to such a minor detail? Well, we didn't get a Rare Workshopper today, but there's still plenty of time in Spooktacle, not to mention Beat Hereafter overlapping Spooktacle. I know we sometimes we get extra stuff released in between seasonal events. We still have Epic Arackulele to look forward too, so maybe there's still a chance we'll have another Ethereal variant to look forward to. This change was made on the same day that the promotion announcing Spooktacle was released, and Rare Meebkin is the most likely choice for the first Rarethereal Workshopper, so maybe that was the reason for Meebkin to be shifted.
I said I wouldn't get my hopes up, buuuuuuuuuuuuut being an MSM fan has put overthinking every little detail into my DNA. Anyways, I should be getting back to the Psych Ward.
It’s surely been a while since this island got an update
Anyways, just like Poisonous Hut, Party Island now has a Breeding Structure and Ethereals! And Gnarls is here for some reason. They sounds pretty meh. I’d expect Gnarls to sound better than he actually does.
Ghazt is also mid. He sounds worse than he does on Ethereal and Plant Island.
Jeeode sounds pretty good however. Honestly makes Party Island better.
Dragong is just straight up horrible.
I have no opinion for Teeter-Tauter.
And lastly, BeMeebEth is literally the Psychic Island Bowhead of Party Island. He carries the whole song, and he sounds good, too.
Btw, the breeding combos of the Ethereals are in the comments.
Idk why I made Stogg bigger than the other Monsterlings
Btw, this is gonna be a new series like Rareware Island now
And yes I made 2 posts in a day
The reason I think that is because the Shugabush Island collection book has been split into pages for Commons, Rares and Epics, even though there was no need to, because the island's collection is small enough to fit all of the Monsters on the same page. So either this was an oversight, or they might be foreshadowing the addition of Rare Shugafam in the future.
Honestly, if (and only if) this turns out to be the case, it was already time. It makes no sense for the Shugafam to be the only breeding class without Rares.
Man why the hell is it upside down now!?
From sideways to upside down.. also uhh, if u dont remember me im the guy from a while ago who made the silly fanmade rare wublins and stuff B)
Lost the password so 💀