Anniversary month
Anniversary month
Epic Mythicals
Path Painting
Mirror Magical Islands
Soul Link
Epic Wubbox on Fire Islands
Seasonal Snacks
Yes indeed since original My Singing Monsters turned 10 years in 2022 the prequel will turn 10 years in 2025
It's sad that Jam Boree isn't here because we already have the core seasonals only not aux seasonals as it was confirmed that they will not be added to Dawn of Fire.
So happy early 10 years Dawn of Fire.
Mammott (Cold Single)
Potbelly (Plant Single)
Toe Jammer (Water Single)
Cookeye (Food Single)
Oaktopus (Plant + Water)
Furcorn (Plant + Cold)
Maw (Water + Cold)
Chertwins (Plant + Food)
Muglow (Water + Food)
Canchorus (Cold + Food)
Bowgart (Cold + Plant + Water)
Toona (Plant + Food + Water)
Freyes (Food, Plant, Cold)
Pizzelty (Food, Water, Cold)
Snagetti (Food + Plant + Cold + Water)
Jam Boree (A.M Single)
Food Monsters:
Fun Facts:
Chertwins and Muglow were originally gonna be used for Enchanted Eden
The class name for the Food elementals are named Miracles
Freyes was originally gonna be a chocolate bar monster
The island design is heavily based off Vegetable Medley
Snagetti is based off the Youtuber “”HolyDuck”” and his video on why Snakes are Spaghetti
Mammott (Cold Single)
Potbelly (Plant Single)
Toe Jammer (Water Single)
Cookeye (Food Single)
Oaktopus (Plant + Water)
Furcorn (Plant + Cold)
Maw (Water + Cold)
Chertwins (Plant + Food)
Muglow (Water + Food)
Canchorus (Cold + Food)
Bowgart (Cold + Plant + Water)
Jam Boree (A.M Single)
Food Monsters:
Fun Facts:
Chertwins and Muglow were originally gonna be used for Enchanted Eden
The class name for the Food elementals are named Miracles
So with how their events are space out, we know we’ll be consistently getting young mythicals in DOF, leading all the way to right before anniversary month, with young Hehehe.
But the very last DoF monster being hyehehe, and DoF ending right before anniversary month 2025, which is DoF’s **10th anniversary**, seems anticlimactic and odd.
So what if…what if next anniversary’s big thing is the hex? It’d appear in DoF, Amber island, and if it was to get the fire expansion treatment, maybe even magical sanctum?
Guess I was wrong. The content month seems to be now. /j
Also uhhh very fitting we get 3 Wubboxes a week before Cyber Week man
BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING, no, I do not imply that any Anniversary Month is bad, most all content BBB makes is great. I’m just asking which one you guys think is the worst of the bunch? For me, it’d be the 8th. Colossingum, to many including me, wasn’t all that great… Wut abt u tho?
This is going to be long. So, I just wanted to share my accomplishments in My Singing Monsters, and I hope other people decide to do the same in the comments :)
Note: The after photos were taken on Thursday because I was waiting for the rest of my new monsters to finish incubating, which is why some post-Anniversary Month monsters may appear in the after photos
Plant Island Before:
64/66 - Missing: Epic Bowgart, Epic Pummel
Plant Island After:
Week 2 - Epic Bowgart, Epic G'Joob (66/67)
Week 4 - Epic Pummel (67/67)
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters
Cold Island Before:
61/65 - Missing: Epic Tweedle, Epic Maw, Epic Quibble, Epic Bowgart
Cold Island After:
Week 2 - Epic Bowgart (62/65)
Week 3 - Epic Quibble, Epic Maw, Epic Tweedle (65/65)
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches. Plant Island was the only island with blue torches for too long...
Air Island Before:
67/68 - Missing: Epic Fwog
Air Island After:
69/69 - I'm beginning to notice a pattern... :D
Week 1 - Epic Fwog (68/68)
Week 2 - Epic Yawstrich (69/69)
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters, got 5 permanently lit torches, and am almost done with adding glowbes
Water Island Before:
62/65 - Missing: Epic Fwog, Epic Jeeode, Epic Blabbit
Water Island After:
63/65 - Pattern ruined, life is meaningless, just throw me into the void already >:(
Week 6 - Epic Blabbit
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches
Earth Island Before:
63/65 - Missing: Epic Tweedle, Epic Cybop
Earth Island After:
Week 2 - Epic Cybop, Epic Tweedle
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches
Shugabush Island Before:
30/32 - Missing: Rare Viveine, Epic Viveine
Shugabush Island After:
30/32 - Being as difficult as ever...
Other - I reorganized the monsters, edited the paths under the monsters, and got 5 permanently lit torches
Gold Island Before:
113/116 - Missing: Epic Bowgart, Epic Blabbit, Epic Jam Boree
Gold Island After:
116/116 - The bit is getting old, isn't it? I'll stop now
Week 2 - Epic Bowgart
Week 6 - Epic Blabbit, Epic Jam Boree
Other - I reorganized the island a little bit
Ethereal Island Before:
45/54 - Missing: Rare Monculus, Epic Ghazt, Epic Grumpyre, Epic Whisp, Epic Nebulob, Epic Boodoo, Epic Bellowfish, Epic Jellbilly, Epic Kazilleon
Ethereal Island After:
Week 1 - Epic Ghazt
Week 2 - Epic Grumpyre
Week 6 - Rare Monculus
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches
Ethereal Workshop Before:
15/15 - None missing
Ethereal Workshop After:
Week 2 - BeMeebEth
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and am almost done with diplicate monsters (maybe for either a future Wubbox or Rare Workethereals)
Fire Haven Before:
56/56 - Missing: Rare Buzzinga, Epic Stogg, Epic Flowah, Epic Tring
Fire Haven After:
Week 3 - Epic Stogg
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters, got 5 permanently lit torches, and added Feast-Ember decorations
Fire Oasis Before:
60/62 - Missing: Rare Spurrit, Epic Whaddle
Fire Oasis After:
Week 6 - Epic Whaddle
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters, got 5 permanently lit torches, and added Feast-Ember decorations
Mythical Island Before:
Mythical Island After:
Week 2 - Epic G'Joob, Epic Yawstrich
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches
Light Island Before:
Light Island After:
48/48 (or would I have to say 49/49?)
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches
Psychic Island Before:
48/50 - Missing: Edamimi, Rare Edamimi
Light Island After:
Week 4 - Edamimi
Week 6 - Rare Edamimi
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches
Faerie Island Before:
47/49 - Missing: Rare Krillby, Rare PongPing
Faerie Island After:
Week 3 - Rare Krillby
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches
Bone Island Before:
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches
Magical Sanctum Before:
Magical Sanctum After:
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and got 5 permanently lit torches
Magical Nexus Before:
48/49 - Missing: Rare Hawlo
Magical Sanctum After:
Week 1 - Rare Hawlo
Seasonal Shanty Before:
36/45 - Missing: Rare Carillong, Rare Whiz-bang, Epic Yool, Epic Schmoochle, Epic Blabbit, Epic Carillong, Epic Whiz-bang, Epic Jam Boree, Epic Spurrit
Seasonal Shanty After:
Week 2 - Rare Carillong, Epic Carillong
Week 3 - Epic Schmoochle
Week 5 - Rare Whiz-bang
Week 6 - Epic Jam Boree, Epic Whiz-bang
Other - I got 5 permanently lit torches and decorations for Season of Love, Eggs-travaganza, Crescendo Moon, SkyPainting, and Perplexplore
Amber Island Before:
48/80 - Missing: Rare Glowl, Rare Floogull, Rare Whaddle, Rare Wynq, Rare Sooza, Rare Rootitoot, Rare Ziggurab, Rare Thrumble, all rare quads except for Bisonorus, Kirllby, Edamimi, and Incisaur, all epic monsters
Amber Island After:
Week 1 - Rare Floogull, Rare Rootitoot
Week 2 - Epic Viveine, Epic Flowah
Week 3 - Epic Woolabee
Other - I edited the paths under the monsters and added glowbes
Wublin Island Before:
21/41 - Missing: Wubbox, Gheegur, all rares other than Gheegur
Wublin Island After:
Week 3 - Gheegur
Week 6 - Rare Bona-Petite, Rare Monculus, Rare Dwumrohl
Other - I bought the Rare Wubbox box
Celestial Island Before:
14/24 - Missing: Hornacle, Blasoom, Galvana, Adult Furnoss, Adult Glaishur, Adult Blasoom, Adult Syncopite, Adult Vhamp, Adult Torrt
Celestial Island After:
Week 2 - Adult Vhamp
Week 6 - Adult Torrt, - Torrt
Other - I bought the rest of the celestial statues for young and adults
Ignore the Blasoom, I forgot to take Celestial Island's after pic until just a couple hours ago when I finally decided to work on this post
And finally, Composer Island
No before pic :(
Composer Island After:
Week 4 - Ghazt
Thank you for looking at this post. It took ~4 hours to write out and get/make images. Sorry if this is too long for some people :|
I’m not sure, the only things that I couldn’t recognize were these, and I’m fairly sure their nothing
Something behind rare congle & epic smoochle’s wings, with some sort of spotlight on I think a super thin tail?
This odd blue…thing, with two white dots just to the right of the last photo
Just identified as rare hawlo
This Anniversary Month was just REALLY poorly spaced out. Rather than releasing a good amount of content each week, they released it all at the beginning, and basically starved us for the rest of it. Other than that, this Anniversary Month was actually pretty good! (It could never beat the 11th anniversary month though, that was peak)
I've been trying to get another Yawstrich for Mythical Island and I... can't...
Odd thing I noticed that probably means nothing, the torches lit are Light, Oasis, and *Shugabush*. The island spotlights are Light, Oasis, and *Earth*.
Update: Not only that, but the ethereal icon uses the life formula skin for some reason.
They would have no reason to update this, as they already have a version of this with the correct torches and icons, and there’s been no new islands with torches since last time.
Like sure, we got a bunch of cool new content across both games, but we've barely been getting anything else, save for 1 new prismatic so far! Not to mention how buggy both updates have been! Idk, maybe the 11th one set my expectations too high. What do you guys think of this update?
First time I bought something in MSM (surprisingly bc I have MSM playground)
Sep 25: Prismatic Gnarls
Oct 2: Teasing A New Island (plz be Outer Amalgamation)
Oct 9: Release Of New Island (again plz be Outer Amalgamation)
I'm ripping them off! I love plagiarism!