The next Mythical in Dawn of Fire could very well be Anglow
Think about it
Its the month of Oceans Tears (aka the Water constellation)
And Anglow is the Water Mythical
I know yall are expecting Strombonin to be the next young Mythical and young Anglow to release in Eggs-Travaganza but I mean cmon its Water Month
And besides this could fit into a clear release schedule of one new young Mythical every 2 months (like how it was with Ethereal Workshop)
January: Young Anglow (Ocean's Tears)
March: Young Strombonin (Frozen Form)
Of course then we would go back to the usual "Mythicals release during their seasonal events" pattern
May: Young Cherubble (Perplexplore)
July: Young Hyehehe (SummerSong)