This flame shall burn from Dawn to dusk till the end of time
And nothing shall have the power to completely put it out
Great art but… what am I looking at?
^^Well alright then... uh...
Around 10% of them will go "Dum diddly dum dum" ?
^^ Kayna engulfed in flames :D
(she’s fireproof)
Ah, the living core.
so like does it burn from 9 to 5 or
(peak as always)
Kayna Death Stare
“Lugia, use rain dance!”😃
*sees the title*
Pinglist me plz!
Also when I saw the thumbnail I had to hold the urge to sing "I DONT WANNA GO OUT IN A BLAZE OF GLORY-" because I'm in school rn during a test. (dw I finished)
What do you think?