So, like go from Quint to Double
So Mimic (Air Quint), Riff (Air Quad), ??? (Air Triple), and ??? (Air Double)
Air double would most likely be cybop
Cybop and Quibble are the airy-est doubles I think
I'm not sure about a triple since most of them don't really resemble the air element, all I can think of is reedling, but they aren't in air island, or congle
Tbh Bowhead doesn't have Shellbeat's elements
^ yeah we know
What does that have to do with this
Alright who is THE fire quad?
I guess Tring because it was the first be in Core MSM
^ probably tring 😭 he was the first fire quad monster to have his own like island, and also he looks the most like the fire element
The Air double would probably be Quibble, and the Air triple would probably be Reedling
Also Tring looks more like the Earth element
Both Quibble and Cybop are technically air primary, and then Congle and Reedling as well
Most doubles have their elements equally spread, and some triples do too
I'm going off of the element of their first non-musical move in the Colossingum
What do you think?